Gender Neutral Interior Styles for Children’s Rooms

A lot of people are beginning to have the difficult conversation about Gender Identity past the binary coloured balloons at the reveal party. Nature, nurture and individual nuanced expressions of self, that aren’t curated or subject to indoctrinations that may be personal to the guardians beliefs, but instead encouraged with parental guidance.

Gone are the days of children being seen and not heard and speaking only when spoken to. There are parents and careers who are becoming more aware of the importance of creating a safe space for their children to be themselves at home leading to the possibility of a life of self surety.

Suzhou K.Wah Royal Mansion Life Experience Center. Jiangsu, China.

I know a lot of parents worry about which direction to take the styling of children’s rooms or really just about keeping them tidy for one good day of the year!
I have witnessed and personally experienced desperate attempts to keep walls clean and drawings firmly rooted on paper, but I wonder what a difference it might make it we gave them the liberty to express themselves this way by minimising the amount of furniture and freeing up wall space to act as canvas?

Do you have a baby on the way? Pink? Blue? Or is your baby sharing a bed with you? Or maybe you have a football team at home and are dreading the mighty task of actually decorating their rooms?
Well fear not! Here are a few examples you could bear in mind when considering the interior design direction of your young one’s space.

New Borns & Toddlers

Toys & Gadgets

Drawing / Play Rooms

Live Loud Girl .com


Got Space?

InKids with Linefriends Playground, Beijing, China

For more ideas feel free to check out the Kinder board on Pinterest !


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